Martijn Is the API readonly now? Or did the documentation just disappear?
🦿 Lucian Marin The API was always experimental. Sublevel didn't have an API to begin with. I don't want to work to build an API company. I played around with Tastypie and now with REST Framework. I'm not happy with either of them. I will probably just write a few custom endpoints to publish things and to retrieve content. This new API will need tokens so you don't have to submit your credentials.
7y, 41w 2 replies
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Mark Dain Tokens (OAuth?) would be really sweet! Thank you for working on that. Ideally I just want some way to send notifications to my phone when there's a post on Sublevel. I love this community and I want to keep partaking but it's undeniably easier to use Twitter and Facebook due to constant notifications pulling you back in.
7y, 41w reply
Martijn Very happy about the last part! Looking forward to seeing something solid. Really I don't need more than a posting endpoint to hook things up.
7y, 41w reply