🦿 Lucian Marin Last year when I got the OnePlus X, I noticed that Android comes with the Clock app's alarms already set for weekdays at 8:30 AM and for weekends at 9:00 AM. I'm now using them on my iPhone and it's a nice productivity boost. Previously I was using random alarms or none at all.
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Mark Dain Who gets up at 8:30? My alarms are set for 6:30
7y, 49w 4 replies
Martijn 6:00 here...
7y, 49w reply
Xasasfdasfd 4:00. No alarms needed. Getting older has strange side effects.
7y, 49w 1 reply
Nkrs 5:00
7y, 49w reply
John Olinda I thought you got rid of your iPhone SE. Did you end up going back to your 4S or get another one?
7y, 49w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin I updated iPhone 4S to iOS 9. I don't miss anything from SE, except for slower speeds and worse battery life.
7y, 49w reply