Ganesh Khade What colorscheme do you use with your code editor, dark or a light one?
··· 3y, 38w 10 replies ¬
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🏛️ Brandon Pittman Dark. Night Owl.
3y, 38w reply
🔻 Trinity xterm, except I set the foreground to amber (can't remember the hexcode off the top of my head) and the background to 000000h
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🧔 Justin Brogrammer, because it's vibrant and I love contrast. I use the scheme everywhere
3y, 38w reply
🐧 Aditya I let pywal do it's magic.
3y, 38w reply
👨‍💻 Timo One Dark or One Dark Pro and JetBrains Mono
3y, 38w reply
☝️ Jean-David Moisan I made my own it's called AposTheme. Check it out: marketplace.visual... Every time I use a different editor, I remake the theme.
3y, 38w reply
🤬 Foobar Midnight Blue is my favorite
3y, 38w reply
💻 Kernel Light bad, dark good.
3y, 38w reply
👂 Sly Dark everywhere, i use Dracula because it supports so many apps:
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🤔 David Solarized Dark is my favorite theme.
3y, 38w reply