John Olinda 'Tis the season for reformatting Strangely satisfying cleaning all the accumulated junk off the school laptops.
Martijn Ever tempted to run a password extractor and see how much blackmail material can be collected?
8y, 43w 7 replies
Eric Dude what the hell
8y, 43w 5 replies
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Martijn I am a main contributor to an anti-online-surfeillance website, these are just the things that I constantly wonder about. I would never use those tools without a person's consent. I would also never hand in an unformatted drive to anyone, I would have formatted my school laptop myself before handing it back.
8y, 43w 2 replies
Eric Ah alright, which site, if you don't mind me asking?
8y, 43w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin Makes you wonder how many times he did something like this before.
8y, 43w 1 reply
Martijn There are some really good tools out there. I have had to extract WiFi passwords for people several times when they no longer had a hardcopy.
8y, 43w reply