Eric Serif, or Sans Serif. Will no one rid me of this turbulent question?
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Simon Janes I tend to this of sans serif as text that isn't for "long reading" and serif for text for "long reading."
9y, 28w reply
Adam Greg Its cliche but I say both, it fully depends on the situation and your use case. I tend to use Sans-Serif more frequently though ;)
9y, 28w reply
Martijn I personally do really like serif fonts, even on screens. But mostly for long texts and at slightly above average sizes. Currently using Lucida Bright at size 18 for my RSS reading. For short blurbs or things like Twitter I prefer the less official looking sans serifs.
9y, 28w reply
Bas Poppink It depends. I know that's probably not the kind of answer you need, but it really does depend. Mostly on brand values and specific use (paper/screen is only part of the answer). But in choosing a font all options should be left open as long as possible. There are slab serifs that almost feel as straight forward as a sans, and some sans serifs have a variable line width and may feel very classical and 'serif-like'. It's not a simple process, I'm afraid.
9y, 28w reply
Mark Myerson My view: sans serif for screens, serif for paper.
9y, 29w 1 reply
Dpsouthwell Good rule. I'm going to adopt that. When serif, Garamond is without peer.
9y, 29w reply