☕ David Antoine Welcome back to Sublevel! I post (again) the first photo I've posted on Subcafe... I was in the St-Tropez area a few weeks ago, those were two of many of the sailing boats that were there for the annual "Voiles of Saint-Tropez" racing event. Hard to go back to work and stress after that...
🦿 Lucian Marin This is why I like Sublevel. I get a little context on everything. If I don't, I can ask. I will love to visit Saint-Tropez, heck, I will love to visit any part of France.
6y, 21w 1 reply
☕ David Antoine South of France is beautiful, I'll probably go back there next year. If not, I'm thinking about going to Italy at the Como lake...
6y, 21w reply
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