Cdo Lobsters brought me here, hello!
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🤔 John Hi! I wonder if I can remember my Lobsters password...
7y, 3d reply
😀 Tom Hi! Glad to have you!
7y, 4d reply
Bugabinga Me too. Don't even have a Lobseters account :)
7y, 5d 1 reply
☕ David Antoine Don't have an account there either. It's even more tech/dev oriented than Hacker News, at first sight. Though I like the Filters section, with tags, descriptions and stories count. Would be pretty nice to have that on Sublevel...
7y, 3d reply
Kodo me too, welcome to the club!
7y, 5d reply
🦿 Lucian Marin Lobsters and cows don't mix up that well. Do they?
7y, 5d 1 reply
Cdo Just you wait...
7y, 5d reply