Martijn Wow Apple. That was the worst move ever. It looks like you will now need to pay 99 USD / yearly to create Safari extensions. That is insane.
Mark Dain I wonder if that got caught in the "$99 for all development" thing they did recently. It's now $99 for iOS and OS X -- no longer separate. I don't think any real damage will come out of charging for extension development though as I don't know a single person who uses Safari extensions; they're kinda ... poor to be honest. I know HTTPS Everywhere, for one, can't come to Safari as the required APIs don't exist (rewriting network requests)
8y, 44w 1 reply
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Martijn It did. I just put a write-up on the IndieWebCamp wiki, as requested by Tantek. It is idiotic, especially since you can't even as a developer load an extension from source without a certificate! (Incidentally, I was working on a Safari statusbar extension.)
8y, 44w reply