Mark Dain I was suppose to catch the 7:47. It's 8:23 and my train STILL ISN'T HERE.
Eric Wow. I thought my 19min delay was bad. Is this the same fault? Norbury or someplace had a broken down train.
9y, 31w 4 replies
Mark Dain Broken train on Tonbridge Wells? Although I was planning on coming into work early, It's 9 am and I just got on the train. This is beyond intolerable. I make an effort to be early and I end up late?
9y, 31w 3 replies
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Eric I think that was the reason I got, really shouldn't affect my line though. Ah, this is the tragic comedy of train travel. Gets to a point where it just becomes laughable.
9y, 31w 2 replies
Mark Dain I'm going to fill out a claims form a few days before I renew my ticket. Maybe I can save some cash this way? That almost sounds funny; record all your delays so you can save cash commuting.
9y, 31w 1 reply