Eric I never knew what it was like to smoke inside pubs or bars but this law still annoys me no end. Smoking area please.
Adam Douglas I did, but only because I started smoking ridiculously early. It was glorious. I miss those days when I didn't have to stand in the wind and rain to smoke. I feel sorry for those smoking rollies though, who would go through that shit in stormy weather just to save a few quid.
9y, 17w 2 replies
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Eric Straights all the way. When I'm stressed and need to pull a smoke I don't want to dick around with some papers. Rollies go out constantly too, their users have patience I cannot respect.
9y, 17w 1 reply
Adam Douglas Yeah, our technical director smokes rollies and he spends more time relighting his cigarette than actually smoking it. On the subject, I need to pick up some cigarettes while I'm here in Lithuania. PS1.50 for 20 Marlboro Reds is almost enough to tempt me to learn Lithuanian. Almost.
9y, 17w reply