Adam Douglas Android apps coming to ChromeOS, hooray! I knew it would come eventually. chrome.googleblog....
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Mark Dain Interesting, I wonder how it runs Android apps. As far as I know, most (all? none?) are compiled just for ARM. Does Chrome OS emulate Android on ARM? I can't imagine that'll be remotely fast (which perhaps explains why it can't run on some chrome books)
7y, 47w 2 replies
Adam Douglas Some Chromebooks are ARM, probably more on the way. Some Intel Chromebooks do indeed have enough processing power to handle emulation, so I think what will happen in practice is that apps lacking x86 binaries will be translated via libhoudini.
7y, 47w 1 reply
Martijn I am also hearing things about a more "premium" hardware version of the Chromebook? If that comes true ChromeOS might actually have a chance.
7y, 47w reply